College of Education Class Observations

    Prospective students are invited to learn more about the intellectual life at DePaul University by attending a class during the academic year. While our professors have varied teaching styles and pedagogies they employ, and there is a wide range of class topics and sizes, the opportunity to sit in on an individual class session can help concretize the academic student experience at our school.

    If you would like to request a class observation, please contact Wynne Strugatch, Assistant Director in The Office of Graduate Admission. 

    Visitors need to report to the Graduate Admissions Office at 2400 N. Sheffield to get their class assignment. You MUST arrive a minimum of thirty minutes before your scheduled class time. You will be escorted to class by a student who is currently enrolled in the class you will be observing.

    Please note also that visits are strictly for observation and guests are not expected to participate in discussions unless the professor calls on you. Also, the use of mobile phones and electronic devices is not permitted in class.


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