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    Continuing and Professional Education

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    Course: Introduction to Grant Writing

    The demand for nonprofit professionals with grant writing experience is on the rise. Get to know the basics in the Introduction to Grant Writing Workshop. Workshop participants will learn the basics about nonprofit fundraising, revenue streams, types of grant funding, fundraising terminology, and key components of grant applications. Together, we will explore where to find grants, grant funding eligibility, and common challenges and ways to address them.

    Programs Associated with this Course
    • Introduction to Grant Writing Workshop
    Who Should Attend

    This workshop is for professionals new to nonprofits and fundraising, providing the basics and high-level information about grant writing. This workshop will be particularly helpful for beginners before completing the Certificate in Grant Writing program. Nonprofit leaders who manage volunteers and staff who write grants, but do not write grants themselves would also benefit from the four-part workshop.


    • Understand different types of grants
    • Identify key components of the grant writing process
    • Learn nonprofit fundraising terminology
    • Understand considerations for grant applications
    • Employ tips for beginners


    Session 1: Introduction

    • Nonprofit revenue streams discussion
    • Importance of diverse revenue streams
    • What is a grant and what kinds of grants are there?
    • Introduction to nonprofit lingo
    Session 2: Nuts and bolts
    • Skills for grant writing
    • Grant process overview
    • Tips for writing great proposals
    • Grant writing & artificial intelligence
    Session 3: How to find grant funders
    • Things to consider and look for while searching for funders (deadlines, unrestricted vs project based, staff capacity, funding focus areas, etc.)
    • Introduce Foundation Directory and practice searching
    • Grant reporting
    Session 4: Reviewing completed grants
    • High-level discussion of grants management practices
    • Review of main themes and key takeaways


    Are grades given in this workshop series?
    Students will receive assessment on a pass-fail basis.

    How is student progress assessed?
    The instructor will evaluate students' performance on classroom discussions and presentations.

    Are there required materials?
    There is no textbook required for the workshops. The instructor will provide handouts of relevant materials.

    For More Information, Contact:

    Isabel Avalos

    Phone: +1 312-362-5295

    Upcoming Class Offerings

    Introduction to Grant Writing

    Dates: 10/8/2024 - 10/29/2024
    Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    Meeting Pattern Tuesday
    Location: Online
    Cost: $500.00
    Registration Deadline: 10/1/2024 - a $75 late fee will be assessed after this date for late registrations
    Final Deadline: 10/8/2024 

    Paper Registration

    If you wish to register for a class via a paper form, click here.

    Student Policies

    Click here for a list of our student policies.

    Contact Us

    For general inquiries, please email us or call 312-362-6300.