Continuing and Professional Education

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    Course: Josei Toda's Educational Philosophy and Practice

    This course introduces candidates to the biography, educational ideas, and practices of Josei Toda (1900-1958). The course covers the history and context informing Toda's early and late pedagogy and examines themes in the Toda corpus, including his approaches to mathematics education, reading and composition instruction, literacy development, educating the impoverished, educational leadership, test-preparation, and his practices of value-creating pedagogy in the Jishu Gakkan. The course will address key terms in the Toda pedagogy such as value creation, human revolution, and education for students' happiness.

    Programs Associated with this Course
    • Certificate in Microcredential & Macrocredential in Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship

    For More Information, Contact:

    Jason Goulah

    Phone: +1 773-325-2076

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    For general inquiries, please email us or call 312-362-6300.