Course: Marketing Return on Investment (ROI) Seminar
Marketers today are held accountable and expected to prove their ideas are effective in the marketplace. At the same time, advertising effectiveness is more difficult to measure. While these appear to be competing pressures, there are techniques and solutions available to help solve ongoing challenges facing all marketers and advertisers today.
In this one-day seminar, you will learn how to define and use ROI to solve problems and ensure that marketing investments are measurable by using real-world examples of direct and interactive cases. Throughout the seminar, you will learn how to use a data-driven, test-versus-control approach to prove the value of marketing communications across channels.
- Workshop in Marketing Return on Investment (ROI)
- Database marketing professionals
- Marketing directors
- Product or brand managers
- Financial analysts
- List managers or brokers
- Data processing managers
- Database managers
- CMOs
- CRM managers
- Research analysts
- Multichannel marketers
- Interactive marketers
- Accountability and ROI in marketing communication and technology investments
- Measurability of interactive and direct marketing across media
- Market sizing
- Types and definition of revenue
- Forecasting demand costs
- Costs and ROI: fixed costs, variable costs, long term costs
- Defining profit and EBIT
- Dissecting the ROI formula
- Lifetime Value models
- Measurable media; ROI expectations by medium
- Interactive marketing and measuring effectiveness online
- 3-year projections and amortization
- Test vs. control: controlled experiments in the marketplace
- Customer database applications: 8 ways to show ROI
- Recency - Frequency - Monetary (RFM) models
- RFM models versus predictive models using statistical methods
Do I get DePaul credit for this class?
No, but some DePaul CPE courses have been approved for CEU credits. This is a professional education class with different requirements than courses taken for academic credit.
How big is the class?
Class size is limited to allow for a more interactive environment in the classroom. Most classes have fewer than 20 students.
For More Information, Contact:
Jurate Murray
Phone: +1 312-362-5913