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    Course: Building an Effective Marketing Plan Certificate Program

    The Building an Effective Marketing Plan Certificate Program will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to create a world-class marketing plan that moves a business forward and impacts revenue growth. This course will be highly interactive. You should expect to get to know your fellow classmates very well. Maybe you will start a company together?!

    In this program, you will learn how each element fits into the overall plan of a business and how to develop and execute your own plans. The program content will cover everything from basic fundamentals to the latest trends, and you will develop your own marketing plan to take back to your organization. This six-week certificate program, taught by Roger Lall, can be taken as a stand-alone course, and also fulfills one of the core requirements in DePaul’s Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate Program.

    Programs Associated with this Course
    • Certificate in Building an Effective Marketing Plan
    • Certificate in Integrated Marketing Communications

    “I have experienced that the plan you develop in this class is a plan for your future. It is a step-by-step guide for how to have a successful plan, not just for your company, but for your life. The marketing plan I developed for this class helped me land a new job. I can’t recommend it enough.”
    -   Erica Jai Lindsay

    Who Should Attend

    • Professionals who are involved in, or aspire to, lead and manage marketing within an organization
    • Strategic planners interested in developing a more integrated, holistic marketing plan
    • Professionals who implement and execute the strategic initiatives of their organization’s marketing plan
    • Entrepreneurs and individuals interested in learning and understanding new marketing solutions, and how to effectively execute cutting-edge ideas and plans


    Through this program, you’ll learn to develop high-impact marketing plans by:

    • Orchestrating programs that generate demand
    • Crystalizing plans for building brand recognition
    • Measuring marketing impact and performance
    • Outlining a multi-phase roadmap for execution
    • Assessing customer needs
    • Analyzing market demand
    • Evaluating competition
    • Developing product marketing strategies
    • Developing marketing promotion programs and budgets


    Week 1 – Marketing Plan Fundamentals

    • Overview of marketing
    • Marketing plan
    • SWOT analysis
    • Market research

    Week 2 – Marketing Analysis and Planning

    • Competitive analysis
    • Environmental analysis
    • Market segmentation
    • Product planning

    Week 3 – Services, Pricing, and Distribution Strategies

    • Services overview
    • Pricing strategies
    • Distribution channel strategies

    Week 4 – Marketing Communications and Selling

    • Branding
    • Promotion programs and campaigns
    • Direct sales

    Week 5 – Financial Analysis

    • Budgets
    • Forecasting
    • Metrics

    Week 6 – Marketing Plan Presentations

    • Marketing plan presentations
    • Feedback
    • Next steps


    Who teaches this certificate program?
    Mark Tack is the instructor for this program. He has 20+ years of successful CMO and marketing leadership experience building pipeline-first marketing and demand generation engines for technology companies of all sizes. Currently, Mark is the Chief Marketing Officer at SundaySky where he drives marketing and demand generation strategy and execution globally.

    Prior to joining SundaySky, Mark led marketing at top data tech companies like Acxiom, Experian and IRI, as well as high-growth SaaS leaders like Vibes and Integrate. As divisional CMO of Acxiom, a leader in data and marketing services, Mark led revenue growth to its highest level in company history and created a new industry category. At Vibes, Mark championed a wide range of innovations, from a complete rebranding to the creation of new industry categories and a fast and lean approach to product launches. During his tenure, inbound leads grew 15X and annual revenues more than doubled. 

    In addition to his work as a marketing leader, Mark is an Adjunct Marketing Professor at DePaul University and author of Growth Engine, the definitive guide to pipeline-first marketing. Mark received a B.A. with Honors in Economics from the University of Iowa in 1999 and is an avid Hawkeye fan to this day. Based in the suburbs of Chicago, he enjoys baseball, fishing, and spending time with his family.

    Are there course materials?

    There are no books for this course. Handouts will be distributed on the first day of class. The cost of these materials is included in the course fee.

    What are the requirements for the Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate?
    To receive the IMC certificate, students must successfully complete three required courses and two elective courses plus one seminar. Follow the link to learn more about the IMC Certificate and review the list of courses.

    Do I get DePaul credit for this class?
    No, but some DePaul CPE courses have been approved for CEU credits. This is a professional education class, with different requirements than courses taken for academic credit.

    How big is the class?
    Class size is limited to allow for a more interactive environment in the classroom. Most classes have less than 20 students.

    Will I have to write papers and take exams?
    While the assignments differ for each instructor and course, you will be assigned non-graded homework, and you will receive feedback on each of your assignments. Some courses also include in-class presentations.

    What is the difference between a certificate and a certification?
    A certificate is earned after completion of a course or a series of courses. Certificates are usually awarded by a training provider or an educational institution. Certification typically includes an experience, an educational component and requires passing an exam. Certifications are awarded by governmental and/or professional agencies and often require recertification to remain certified.

    For More Information, Contact:

    Jurate Murray

    Phone: +1 312-362-5913

    Upcoming Class Offerings

    Building an Effective Marketing Plan Certificate Program

    Dates: 01/29/2025 - 03/5/2025
    Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Meeting Pattern Wednesday
    Location: Online
    Cost: $1,295.00
    Registration Deadline: 01/22/2025 - a $75 late fee will be assessed after this date for late registrations
    Final Deadline: 01/29/2025 

    Program Brochure

    Paper Registration

    If you wish to register for a class via a paper form, click here.

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    For general inquiries, please email us or call 312-362-6300.