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    Course: PLA Workshop 4

    PLA Workshop 4 is the last course in the four-part Prior Learning Assessment Certificate Program. The final workshop is a culminating effort in prior learning assessment (PLA). You'll formulate a plan for the establishment or improvement of your organization's PLA program by drawing on and referring to relevant experiences, PLA standards and principles, and the ideas from the previous three workshops. The course is designed as a draft, review and redraft cycle in which your workshop colleagues provide critiques, suggestions and general feedback to help you finalize your plan. An extensive outline and set of criteria are provided to guide you in drafting your plan and giving feedback to colleagues.

    Upon successfully completing all four facilitated workshops, you will be awarded a Certificate of Mastery in Prior Learning Assessment.

    Programs Associated with this Course
    • Certificate in Prior Learning Assessement
    Who Should Attend

    • Adult learning practitioners
    • Faculty and administrators in higher education
    • Professional association education developers
    • Employees of institutions interested in developing a professional portfolio assessment system


    During this workshop you will:

    • Integrate the relevant ideas, practices and decisions from the preceding three workshops
    • Draft a workable plan to implement or improve a PLA program in your organization


    • Guidelines for designing a PLA program
    • Guidelines for improving a PLA program


    What are the system requirements this program?
    The program is delivered online with some offline assignments.
    You will need a computer (IBM Compatible PC or Apple Macintosh) with:

    The program is taught asynchronously - you can take it anywhere, anytime you have access to the above. However, there is a weekly schedule you are expected to keep.

    Is there a required text?
    Assessing Learning
    • Yes. Assessing Learning, 3rd edition [2017] by the Council For Adult Experiential Learning (CAEL), Donna Younger, and Catherine Marineau will be mailed to you as you start the program.
    What is the weekly time commitment for the workshops?
    On average you should spend five to seven hours weekly on the workshops. The best way to do this is to spread the hours over the week, perhaps half an hour each evening or during lunch, then longer at the weekend.

    For More Information, Contact:

    Janie Rollinson

    Phone: +1 312-362-5792

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    For general inquiries, please email us or call 312-362-6300.