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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Certificate Program

    Customer Relationship Management is a strategic methodology that recognizes customers as the core of the business. Organizations are finding that if they enhance the customer experience, a relationship can form between the customer and the organization. Sustaining this relationship over time can lead to growing customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn enhance the organization's competitive position as well as increase its profitability. Through text readings, case studies analysis, quizzes, exams and exercises, you will gain a firm understanding of the key decision variables required to successfully adopt and use this methodology in B2C, B2B and B2B2C environments.

    This five-Week certificate program can be taken as a stand-alone course, and also fulfills one of the core requirements in DePaul's Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate Program.


    “The CRM online course was a good learning experience. The instructor unselfishly shared his knowledge and expertise in explaining everything that involves CRM. You can easily reach out to him if you have any questions and he will also give you honest feedback regarding your case studies assignment. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning CRM. Bob did an incredible and awesome job.”
    -Blesilda Sham

    Who Should Attend

    The course is designed for individuals at any level in Marketing and Sales or non-marketing professionals interested in understanding how they affect or are affected by CRM practices.
    This also includes:

    • Services
    • Customer service
    • Technology professionals
    • Entrepreneurs 
    • Others interested in CRM


    Whether you are a CRM novice or want a fresh approach to your previous CRM training, you will gain:

    • In-depth understanding of the benefits of CRM and the competitive advantage this methodology provides
    • Insight on the challenges and constraints organizations face in attempting to incorporate CRM
    • Appreciation of how technology can be leveraged to enhance a CRM initiative
    • Exposure to best practices in multiple vertical markets
    • Knowledge of the key decision variables related to CRM
    • An understanding of simple CRM techniques
    • Hands-on practice including case study analysis


    Week 1

    Topics Covered:

    • Participant introduction and objectives
    • Program overview
    • Introduction to CRM theory
    • Brief history of CRM development
    • Understand the concepts of customer value and customer relationship management
    • Explain the relevance of CRM with respect to changes in consumers, marketing places, technology and marketing functions
    • Discuss the evolution and growth of CRM

    Class Work:

    • Assignment
    • Text readings and video lectures

    Week 2

    Topics Covered:

    • Explain the difference between CRM and Database Marketing
    • Discuss the importance of identifying Customer Value
    • Data transformation into knowledge Understand the Satisfaction-Loyalty-Profit Chain
    • Understand the components of strategic CRM
    • Explain the steps in developing a CRM strategy
    • Identify the elements of a CRM System
    • Understand the concept of ROI of CRM
    • Understand the components of CRM cost
    • Understand the process of CRM Implementation

    Class Work:

    • Assignment
    • Text readings and video lectures

    Week 3

    Topics Covered:

    • Describe Traditional Marketing Metrics
    • Describe Customer Activity Metrics
    • Describe Customer Acquisition Metrics
    • Understand Popular Customer-Based Value Metrics
    • Understand Strategic Customer-Based Value Metrics
    • Understand the usefulness of various CRM software platforms
    • Understand the need for applications of Data Mining
    • Describe the Data Mining Process
    • Categorize databases based on the information included, the nature of the underlying marketing activity and the nature of the underlying technology
    • Explain the benefits of Marketing Databases
    • Discuss the uses of databases that directly influence the customer relationship and that directly influence other business operations

    Class Work:

    • Assignment
    • Text readings and video lectures

    Week 4

    Topics Covered:

    • Discuss the definition, key objectives and problems of Loyalty Programs
    • Understand the drivers of Loyalty Program effectiveness
    • Examine the empirical evidence of Loyalty Program effectiveness
    • Understand the seven-point checklist for successful Loyalty Program design and implementation
    • Discuss the phases of the Campaign Management process
    • Discuss the role of different channel types in the management of customer relationships and emerging channel trends that impact CRM
    • Understand recent opportunities and challenges for CRM with respect to the design of multichannel distribution systems
    • Discuss the proper management of multichannel systems and the implementation of CRM
    • Discuss the characteristics of B2B markets and how they differ from B2C markets
    • Apply the concepts of CRM to B2B markets
    • Discuss Sales Force Automation, Key Account Management and the shift from goods to services

    Class Work:

    • Assignment
    • Text readings and video lectures

    Week 5

    Topics Covered:

    • Understand how Social Media impacts a CRM strategy
    • Discuss customer value as a decision metric
    • Understand the Lifetime-Probability Relationship in a Non-Contractual Setting
    • Formulate the customers’ projected profitability into lifetime duration computation
    • Identify the true value of a lost customer

    Class Work:

    • Assignment
    • Text readings and video lectures


    Is there a required text?
    No. There is no required textbook for this course. 

    Are there any suggested readings that would complement the course?
    Yes. Some are listed below. These are not required readings, but they will add to the learning experience.

    • Kumar, V and Werner Reinartz. Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools 3rd Edition. Springer [ISBN-10: 3662553805] or [ ISBN-13: 978-3662553800]
    • Anderson, E.W., Mittal, V. (2000). Strengthening the satisfaction-profit chain. Journal of Service Research, 3(2), 107-120.
    • Heskett, J.L., Jones, T.O., Loveman, G.W., Sasser, Jr., W.E., and Schlesinger, L.A. (1994). Putting the service profit chain to work. Harvard Business Review, 72(2), 164-174.
    • Gardner, B. (2016). Top 5 reasons CRM fails, and how to succeed. Industrial Distribution, 105(2), 24-25.
    • Robinson, D. (2011). Customer Loyalty Programs: Best Practices, Haas School of Business
    • Shankar, V., Berry, L.L., and Dotzel, T. (2009). A practical guide to combining products and services. Harvard Business Review, 87(11), 94-99.
    • The Economist. (2011). Anonymous no more. The Economist, (March 10, 2011).
    • Wyner, G. (2014). The power of word of mouth. Marketing News, 48(3), 22-23.

    Are there course materials?
    All materials will be included in the weekly notes and lectures.

    Are course materials included in the tuition fee?
    Yes. All class materials are covered in the tuition fee and will be distributed online.

    Is there required software?
    All software used is through the DePaul D2L website. Firefox is the recommended Internet browser to ensure stability and video access. This is a free, readily available internet browser. Some employers prohibit installation of any software which they do not approve. Firefox should not be an issue with employers, but if it is, then the participants may need to use their personal computers.

    Do I need a computer?
    Computer access (Windows or Mac OS X) is required as well as a reliable (broadband) connection to the Internet.

    Is this class very technical?
    Some of the topics are technical but are described in a way that a non-technical-orientated person can comprehend. At every stage, theory is integrated with technology. This course is targeted to both non-technical as well as technical participants. The text has some technical aspects, but do not let them frighten you. This course focuses on theory and applicaiton, not numerical analysis.

    How much time would I spend on the course each week?
    The time commitment varies based upon the student’s current level of CRM knowledge as well as to what extent the student immerses himself in optional supplemental readings. One should plan to spend 5 – 10 hours per week outside of class time. 

    What are the main deliverables for the course and how am I measured? Is there a grade?
    Students are measured on their ability in three areas: discussion panels, writing assignments, and a final project at the end of the course. One of four possible grades may be earned: High Pass, Pass, Low Pass or Failure. In the event of a failing grade, the instructor provides an additional assignment to enhance the student’s understanding of CRM and an opportunity to pass the program.

    Will I have an opportunity to interact with the instructor? 
    The instructor will have dedicated office hours every Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Central time (8 to 10 p.m. GMT). During this time, any emails or direct messages will be answered immediately. You should also feel free to email the instructor at any time with questions. The instructor is committed to responding within 24 hours (usually much less). In addition, an optional one-hour Zoom session will be held every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Central time (8 p.m. GMT) where we can gather as a group, exchange ideas, and have questions answered. These Zoom sessions will be recorded for the benefit of those who are not able to attend live.

    What are the requirements for the Integrated Marketing Communications Certificate?
    To receive the IMC certificate, students must successfully complete three required courses and two elective courses plus one seminar. Follow the link to learn more about the IMC Certificate and review the list of courses

    Do I get DePaul credit for these classes?
    No, but some have been approved for CEU credits. These classes are professional education classes with different requirements than courses taken for academic credit. 

    What is the difference between a certificate and a certification?
    A certificate is earned after completion of a course or a series of courses. Certificates are usually awarded by a training provider or an educational institution. Certification typically includes an experience, an educational component and requires passing an exam. Certifications are awarded by governmental and/or professional agencies and often require recertification to remain certified.

    For More Information, Contact:

    Jurate Murray

    Phone: +1 312-362-5913

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