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    Influencer Marketing Seminar

    With the ever-growing fight for customers’ attention, influencer marketing is a way to build your brand and drive awareness through to purchase.  But many organizations are not fully unlocking the power of influencers to reach their business goals.

    This course will teach you how to plan and execute a clear influencer marketing strategy and build effective campaigns. We will learn how to measure influencers’ value to companies and learn how influencers create value for themselves. Class sessions are experiential and include a combination of best practice frameworks, in-class exercises, and application of concepts to case studies. 

    Who Should Attend

    Individuals or groups that have some marketing or sales background and are using social media channels to reach their target audience. The examples and cases are heavily weighted to BtoC companies given that is where majority of Influencer Marketing is used.


    • Establish a clear framework to develop Influencer strategy 
    • Learn how to develop influencer campaigns starting with creative briefs to pitch emails to best practices on negotiations
    • Leverage tools and frameworks to measure track and measure results 


    • Overview of Influencer Marketing: types, uses
    • Influencer Marketing economy: how influencers make $$
    • Influencer Strategy Development 
    • Influencer Campaign Development
    • Negotiating and monitoring
    • Measurement


    Do I get DePaul credit for this class?
    No, but some DePaul CPE courses have been approved for CEU credits. This is a professional education class with different requirements than courses taken for academic credit.

    How big is the class?
    Class size is limited to allow for a more interactive environment in the classroom. Most classes have fewer than 20 students.

    For More Information, Contact:

    Jurate Murray

    Phone: +1 312-362-5913

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