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    DePaul University
    2024 DEI Leadership Series
    Four weeks | Four programs | For you | In honor of National Celebrate Diversity Month!

    Thank you! 

    Thank you to everyone who joined DePaul University for our 2024 DEI Leadership Series! Your presence and participation made each virtual session a resounding success. Your commitment to advancing DEI initiatives in your organizations and communities is truly commendable, and we're grateful for your dedication to creating inclusive spaces for all. 
    If you are interested in any of the presenters’ follow-up resources, you can access the materials below. 

    Week 1: Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), the Power Within!

    Sponsored by DePaul Executive Education

    Tuesday, April 9 | 12-1pm CDT

    Webinar Description:
    Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) serve as a self-motivated pool for talent within organizations. Exploring the inherent strengths of ERGs, attendees will gain valuable insights into harnessing the collective power of diverse perspectives, fostering inclusivity, and leveraging these groups as a strategic force for talent acquisition, enrichment, and professional growth. Discover how to unlock the power within ERGs and elevate your understanding of their pivotal role in shaping a thriving and diverse workforce.

    Stephanie Shipp
    Stephanie D. Shipp, DBA
    Global Head of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Cytiva

    Week 2: Why Doubling Down on Inclusion and Culture Matters | A Leader’s Perspective

    Wednesday, April 17 | 12-1pm CDT

    Webinar Description:
    Leaning into DEI has never been more controversial than it is today. Join us for a conversation with Vern Johnson, Managing Director of Inclusion and Diversity at CIBC, as he reflects on his own professional journey and how it led him to leading DEI work within the world of financial Services. Vern will share insights on key initiatives CIBC has been developing to expand its commitment to DEI and talk about the intersectionality of these programs as it relates to talent acquisition, retention, and community engagement. He’ll also weigh in on the larger, current DEI climate within the corporate sector and comment on why some organizations are better poised to embrace DEI as part of their core, and how it impacts their bottom line.  

    Vernon Johnson
    Vernon Johnson, Ph.D.
    Managing Director, Inclusion & Diversity, CIBC US

    Week 3: How to Generate Support and Allies for Organizational DEI in Turbulent Times

    Wednesday, April 24 | 12-1pm CDT

    Webinar Description:
    Workplace Discussions that Center Inclusion and Equity in Challenging Environments: How do we understand growing internal willingness to advance DEI work in this challenging climate for all equity work? Xavier Ramey (Economics, 2007), CEO of Justice Informed, a social impact consulting firm, will explain how advocates of equity and inclusion can keep pace in the current environment. Using their Justice Informed Spectrum of Willingness framework, as well as a blend of their "Tough Talks" framework, he will give a brief synopsis of how to identify partners versus antagonists in the work of workplace equity, how to communicate with them, and how to move progress forward strategically.  

    Veronica Appleton
    Xavier Ramey
    CEO & Founder, Justice Informed

    Week 4: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: Mental Health @ Work

    Tuesday, April 30 | 12-1pm CDT

    Webinar Description: 
    Does it ever feel like it’s all too much? Are things feeling overwhelming? Do you ever wonder if there is a greater or different burden which impacts you mentally, emotionally, and physically for being “different” in your organization? You’re not alone. Everywhere we look, we see and hear that the current mental health crisis has reached unprecedented levels with soaring cases of social anxiety, depression and individuals feeling isolated. Beyond these general societal stressors, we seem to be in the midst of an “ism” epidemic which takes a toll on our ability to fully function and thrive. We want you to know it’s okay to realize you’re not feeling okay.  

    In this reflective and tool packed workshop, you will be equipped to recognize if your mental health status is interfering with your work performance or if your work is disrupting your mental wellbeing. Knowing what’s wrong is only half the challenge. The other half is knowing how to advocate for yourself and establishing a plan for how to find a sense of balance and resilience. As leaders and members of ERGs, there is a unique role to weave mental health into your strategies and programs and serve as support as well as advocate for the mental health needs of those that you represent. This workshop rests on the fundamental assumption of valuing the inherent dignity and moral worth of all. 

    Desiray Glass 
    William “Marty” Martin, Psy.D.